Course Information

Duolingo English Practice Test

  8 Students

    access on the mobile app

    3 hours on-demand video

    practice based

Course Content

  • 175 Minutes
  • 3 Section
  • 9 Lectures

Course Instructor


Bezawit Edilu



The Duolingo English Test is a modern English proficiency assessment for today’s international students and institutions. The test is available online, on demand. You don’t have to make an appointment or travel to a test center—you can take the test from your home via a computer and webcam.  

The test is administered using computer adaptive technology, meaning that the question difficulty adapts to each test taker. The test also integrates a video interview and writing sample, which are sent to an institution when you send your results along with your proficiency score.

The entire test experience takes just under an hour. Test results are certified within 48 hours, and they can be shared with an unlimited number of institutions.